License to Grill, by Chris Schlesinger and John Willoughby, 1997

"Whether you're a novice looking for your initial license to grill — permission to fool around with live fire, add a wonderful sear to your dinner, and generally turn what could be a chore into one of the most pleasurable parts of the day — or an accomplished griller looking to earn your Ph.G. (Doctor of Grilling) with some recipes that carry a high level of difficulty, I've got your mind in mind. I've even included a few recipes that will put you well on your way to the coveted Ph.B. (Doctor of Barbecue)."

Big Flavors of the Hot Sun, by Chris Schlesinger and John Willoughby, 1994

"Subtlety in food does not impress me. I like big, loud flavors — sweet, sour, hot, salty, aromatic, pungent, tingling — preferably all in the same bite. I'm the guy who always asks for salt and pepper in the fancy restaurants and who thinks that most dishes could benefit from a squeeze of lime or a shot or two of Tabasco."

Salsas, Sambals, Chutneys & Chowchows, by Chris Schlesinger and John Willoughby, 1993

"I call this a salsa because the guy who first made it for me loved to listen to salsa music. He was from El Salvador, and his job in the restaurant was to make sure all the food was received in good order. When the clams would come in, he'd always pick up a few and put them off to one side, then work on them over the next couple of hours, shucking the clams and chopping them as he got the chance, squeezing the lime, adding the Tabasco. When lunchtime rolled around, he'd eat this mixture with crackers like a kind of clam cocktail. Every so often, if I had given him some help during the morning, I'd find a little bowl on my cutting board... It was always a treat... in the true style of Elmer himself, with saltines."